Women & Hair Loss

If you are considering hair loss treatment we can offer you support & advice to make your decision.

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In this section you’ll find information about types of hair, how your hair is structured, and how it grows.

The precise conditions that produce hair loss typically have deeper causes. Science has revealed 4 factors to be especially important:

Genetic factors

As announced in 2008, scientists at Bonn and Düsseldorf Universities have discovered an important genetic variation leading to hair loss. Researchers investigated more than 500,000 positions in the human genome, establishing a gene variant which clearly occurs more frequently in men who are bald than in others. The breakthrough may help explain similarities in cranial hair growth between fathers and sons.

This work builds on that in 2005, which identified a separate hair loss gene inherited through the maternal line, explaining why hair loss in men often imitates that of their maternal grandfathers.

Hormonal factors

Imbalances in the male and female hormones that your body naturally produces may be a factor. Likewise, an overactive or underactive thyroid gland can lead to hair loss. Correcting such imbalances may stop your hair loss.


Losing some of your hair is a totally normal part of the ageing process. Called androgenetic alopecia, this accounts for around 95% of all hair loss. Women usually experience the condition as an even loss of hair over the entire scalp, rather than areas of complete baldness.


Anxiety and other forms of stress can be major factors. For example, following a worrying illness or major surgery, you may suddenly lose a large amount of hair. Such symptoms are normally temporary and will reverse once you return to your normal state of mind.